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Helpful Information to
Prevent Pests

I will be grateful for the lawn that needs mowed, windows that need cleaning, and floors that need swept because it means I have a Home.


01-Bed Bug Prevention, 02-Roach Prevention (Unit Spray date Calander), 03-Cleaning Tips

Vacuuming Couch


Bed Bug Prevention

  • Do not put guests’ coats or bags on your beds. If there is even one bedbug on a coat or scarf, there is a danger of it migrating into your bedding. If space is limited, put a sheet or spare blanket over the bed, and launder it immediately after the visit.

  • Clean the front closet of all other clothing and use it only for guest's coats and belongings. After the visit, thoroughly vacuum the closet and dispose of the vacuum bag, outdoors, immediately after cleaning.

  • Ask guests to place their shoes on a mat by the door. After your guests leave, you can clean the mat thoroughly.

  • Attractive slipcovers over furniture will protect your couches, and they can be immediately laundered and dried at high heat after your guests leave.

  • If guests are bringing gifts, launder or clean anything that can be washed. Scarves, gloves, and jackets can be washed or dry cleaned as quickly as possible. Plastic or wood items should be wiped with a damp cloth.

  • Packing boxes or wrapping paper should be bagged, sealed, and disposed of as soon as possible.

  • For sensitive overnight guests, you can offer to do all their laundry without explaining the full reason. You will be offering a favor to them, and the temperatures of a warm-water wash and dryer will kill any bedbugs.


Roach Prevention

Cleaning Materials
  •   Check for Standing Water

A reliable water source is essential to survival for cockroaches. While they can go an entire month without food, they can only live without water for one week. Check in and around your home for standing water. It is good to start by looking under sinks, in storage areas like the garage, and in the kitchen.

  •  Clean Dishes Daily

As tempting as it may be to leave the dishes in the sink for just one night, it can be a strong attractant for cockroaches. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink for extended periods of time to avoid this.

  •  Mind the Counter

All counters, especially the kitchen counter should be kept dry and free of food or debris. Never leave fruit on the counter and always keep other unrefrigerated foods in sealed containers.

  •  Look for Crumbs

Although cockroaches can eat quite a bit, they would not turn down a few crumbs if given the chance. One commonly overlooked cockroach food source is the crumbs and food debris found in and around appliances. Toasters, waffle irons, blenders and toaster ovens should be cleaned out and wiped down regularly.

  •  Keep a Clean Floor

Sweep, mop, and vacuum all floors regularly, this includes underneath the refrigerator and stove if you can access it. Also, wipe down baseboards and cabinets on a fairly regular basis.

  • Trash Control

Keep trash in closed trash containers while inside the home and take out regularly. Cockroaches feed on filth and love to hang out in stinky trash cans.

  •  Look for Entry Points

Cockroaches can enter the home in several ways, often traveling in through sewage pipes. Screening off all pipes leading into the home is a great prevention method. Be sure to check for, and seal up, any other gaps or holes around the home that could lead inside.

03 Cleaning Tips

Woman with Cleaning Supplies

Start with a Plan

Avoid cleaning in circles and make a plan. Start at one end of the house and work toward the other, ensuring you are not wasting time and doing double cleaning duty.

Also, work from top to bottom, starting with high areas where dust and cobwebs linger and ending on the floors.


Remove any obstacles from your cleaning path and place them in their respective rooms, closets or drawers. This way, you can clean much more efficiently.

Cleaning Caddy

Get yourself a caddy and fill it with an all-purpose disinfectant cleaner, wood cleaner, microfiber cloths, sponges, a scrub brush and gloves for protecting your hands from harmful chemicals. And don’t forget the broom, vacuum and mop.

Dust and Vacuum Everything

Before you begin, be sure to dust off everything. If you don’t, you may find yourself with a bigger mess and a cluster of dust bunnies when you spray everything down for a deep clean.

Use a vacuum’s hose attachment to reach ceiling fans and dust blinds, curtains and lampshades. Also, be sure to vacuum floors, carpet and corners.

Clean Windows

One pro tip for cleaner, streak-free windows is to use a slightly-abrasive, crumpled up newspaper to wipe up after the spray.

Switch Out Bed Linens

Switch out the bed linens early in the day. That way, they can be washed and dried by evening so you can make the bed before heading to sleep or put them away for the next rotation. One tip is trying to keep a spare set of sheets, so you can switch them out without worrying about when the dryer is done.

Spray Down Bathroom Areas

Spray down all the bathroom areas, such as the shower and toilet, as well as the sinks and vanity. These areas accumulate a ton of germs, so spray and allow it to sit for a while if you can to decontaminate. Remove any rugs and throw them in the wash after the bed linens. 

Spray Down Shower Liners

While in the bathroom, spray down the shower liner. It may not be visible from the outside, but it doesn’t mean it should go neglected. While many people tend to throw out shower liners–replacing them with a new one–there’s a less wasteful method. Simply remove it from the rod and throw it in the wash with some towels. 

Degrease Kitchen Appliances

Clean out the refrigerator, spraying and wiping down the doors and interior. Also, spray down the oven and microwave.

If your stovetop has a built-in hood over it, be sure to wipe that down as well. One tip: If you have stainless steel appliances, make sure to wipe them in the direction of the grain so it is fingerprint-free.

Clean the Kitchen Sink

 If it’s a stainless-steel sink, follow the grain as mentioned. If it’s a ceramic sink, wipe it down with an all-purpose cleaner. If your sink has a garbage disposal that has begun to smell, pour 1 cup backing soda then 1 cup vinegar down drain cover with washcloth let sit for 5 min. and then flush with hot water, this will also help cleanout a plugged drain in bathroom.

Clean Baseboards, Molding and Light Plates

While you have the spray in hand, wipe down the baseboards, as well as door jambs and molding throughout the house, especially on corners we tend to miss. While you’re at it, clean the light plates, too. We touch these multiple times a day which often creates some grime and buildup.

Wipe Down Light Fixtures

As you clean, remember to wipe down the light fixtures, ceiling fans and any vents (like the light in the bathroom). Be extra careful with pendants that have glass globes. Also, wipe down any bulbs like recessed lighting, if you can, to save on energy costs.

Clean Upholstery

While a lint roller is excellent for removing pet hair, it’s good to vacuum all your upholstery every once in a while. Use your vacuum hose’s upholstery attachment to suck up any crumbs beneath or between the cushions. Much like a mattress, sofas and chairs in your living room seating area need to be cleaned. 

Clean Floors

Whatever flooring type you have, be sure to give it extra special attention, For bathrooms and kitchens with tile or LVP, use a microfiber cloth mop with a minimal amount of water. 

Ready to Clean?

Hopefully, you have all the tips you need to tackle your home and clean it as thoroughly as a professional.

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