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Common Questions


"How Rent is Determined"

Q: How long is the waiting list?

A: We are unable to say, The waiting list varies depending on number of bedrooms needed and preferences (elderly, disabled, homeless, domestic violence,  dilapidated housing) if any.  


Q: Do you have Emergency Housing?

A: No, we do not


Q: How many bedrooms am I eligible for?

A: In general, the appropriate unit size is determined by assigning one bedroom for two people in a household…with the following exceptions.

The head of household will have their own room unless shared with a spouse or cohead.

Other family members of opposite sex who are over the age of six (6) will be allocated separate bedrooms.


Q: Where am I at on the waiting list?

A: An applicant's position can change daily due to new applications that may contain preferences (elderly, disabled, homeless, domestic violence, and dilapidated housing) causing a repositioning of applicants on the waiting list.


Q: Can my friend and I get an apartment?

A: No, you must be living as or have lived as a family unit previously

(no roommates)


Q: Do you accept felons into housing?

A: It depends on results of the criminal background check the MHA does.  The MHA looks at each background and makes a determination based on; how long ago the crime was, the severity of the crime and how many crimes were committed.


Q: How do I get on the waiting list?

A: You need to submit an application with the appropriate required documentations. Note: Based upon the MHA's background checks (criminal, landlord, etc...), your eligibility will be determined.


Q: Do I have to pay utilities?

A: Public Housing-Yes, Gas and Electricity for all units and

water sewer and garbage for others.

Section 8- Depends on the house you select.


Q: Do you have any apartments available to rent now?

A: No, all of our units have a waiting list.


Q: Do you accept pets?

A: Only one pet under 20lbs per unit.




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